Granite can attract fungi, mosses, and lichens. Just cleaning any visible traces off isn't enough - softwashing also removes the spores to prevent regrowth.
Granite is most frequently formed into work surfaces and flooring. It is also used extensively as a facade for grand looking buildings, and in public squares and civic areas. It is a tough durable stone, and more able to withstand heat and scratching than many stone materials. It is made up from a composition of quartz, feldspar, and mica. It can be treated in numerous fashions to alter its appearance, and is often seen polished with swirly mineral patterns. It is also increasingly left untreated with plainer colours. Softwashing UK have experience in cleaning granite of all types. Despite its toughness granite is a porous stone, and when it becomes stained it needs to be washed quickly so as to avoid to the stain sinking in. Granite is more resistant to bacterial infection than many stones, and is sometimes used in medical grade equipment for this very reason. Never-the-less, especially in damp conditions, it can harbour organic growths which are best treated with a softwash.
Regular care and maintenance are essential in preserving granite, and brushing, dusting, and quick removal of stains are suggested methods. Softwashing UK are most frequently called for granite cleaning when there is a particularly stubborn stain that cannot be removed. In such circumstances we will inspect the stone for damage, as we never wish to adversely affect a stone’s longevity, and then we will then lightly dust and clean the granite surface. Over the stain itself we will blend a paste of softwash detergent, crafted to meet granite’s pH resistance, which will then be left to work its way into the subsurface to remove the stain. It is important to communicate that the results of the granite stain removal service will not be instantaneous; depending on the severity of the stain, we will return a day or two later to remove the paste, at which point the stain will have been removed! But in general cleaning, or to remove organic growth, a light softwash with a mild alcohol based solution will be more than adequate.
Whether looking to have granite cleaning of any type - for fireplace, work surfaces, tiles, paving, a facade, or anything other granite surface- Softwashing UK are on hand to deliver exceptional cleaning at a low price.
Soft Washing UK